Saturday, March 7, 2009


I am doing a little remodeling for Donny and Debbie Osmond on their home and last week was Debbie's birthday. Guess what Mr. Romantic gave her. A COLONOSCOPY. Well he didn't actually give her one, he is having his NEIGHBOR do it. She is pretty excited. Now I know what I can give Shannon for her birthday on the 26th.


Carly said...

He is going to kill you for posting that. And so is debbie

Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

I think that should be your birthday present in April from Shannon!

Ellery said...

i'm sure they will appreciate that post.

your butt's a little over do for a check up. so get on it.

Scott said...

Your kids are right, you need one.

greg said...

Ace you really need to get a BUTTHOLE-A-SCOPE! Maybe we'll pass around the collection plate for the big 57 on April 15.